What is curb appeal and why is it important when selling a house? The term curb appeal refers to the perception that your house gives from the curb. The exterior of your house is the first thing that a prospective buyer sees of your house. It is easy to see how important it is to make a good first impression.
The look of the exterior of your home will be the first consideration on the part of the homebuyer when deciding if they are interested in viewing more of the home.
When trying to sell your home it is important to start thinking of your "house" as a marketable commodity.
Step one – Take a walk across the street and take a good look at your house. Look at nearby houses too, and see how yours compares. Take a drive around your neighborhood, how do the other houses appear?
We want to make the curb appeal mix in with the neighborhood along with giving the impression that the house is well maintained and in good condition. Your landscape must look good.
Here are a few things you should do:
- Pressure Clean the driveway and sidewalks
- Pluck All weeds
- Lay down fresh mulch
- Paint exterior if needed
- Finish any unfinished jobs
Step two - Ask a friend or two to come by and give you their perception of the curb appeal. Let them know that you are selling your house and that their advice is appreciated. In addition to your friends, as your Realtor, it is part of my service to you to review and make suggestions regarding the curb appeal of your home.
There may be some work involved in preparing the exterior of your home for sale. However, it does not need to be expensive. The better your home looks the easier it will be to attract interested buyers.