Buying & selling real estate in Nanaimo can be complicated during normal circumstances. COVID-19 (commonly referred to as "the coronavirus") has made the process that much more challenging. While it is not business as usual it is still possible to buy and sell a home in Nanaimo if Realtors and their clients follow the prescribed procedures.
Vancouver Island Realtors are following directives from both CREA (Canadian Real Estate Association) and BCREA (BC Real Estate Association) and of course the BC Provincial health officer.
The following safety guidelines * have been suggested to assist you in working with your Nanaimo real estate professional. Please note that none of this information should be used in place of information provided by medical professionals and the Government of BC & Canada.
Covid-19 Guidelines for Nanaimo Real Estate Buyers
Before scheduling or attending a showing you will need to complete the Royal LePage showing Health Disclosure Declaration which will be provided by your realtor. This captures information confirming that no one attending the showing has:
- Recently travelled anywhere outside of Canada or has been in contact with anyone who has travelled outside of Canada
- Had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days: fever, dry cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Refer to The Government of Canada's Covid-19 web page for additional information
- Knowingly come into contact with anyone experiencing the following symptoms in the last 14 days: fever, dry cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Come into contact with anyone with a presumptive or confirmed covid-19 diagnosis in the last 14 days
The criteria on the showing Health Disclosure Declaration form is subject to change should the government and health authority guidelines change.
- Understand the importance of following current direction from government and health authorities in the risks that come with attending in-person showings
- Limit viewing only to those who are or will be specifically named on the offer: additional family members friends or children should not be in attendance there are no exceptions.
- Meet your realtor at the property and practice social distancing measures when travelling to the showing by driving in your own vehicle
- Do not share items such as phones tablets or laptops
- Immediately prior to entering the home disinfect your hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol
- Gloves may be worn during the showing and are recommended
- Do not touch surfaces in the home and keep your hands in your pockets throughout the visit
- Do not greet others with handshakes hugs and make sure you are always at least two metres apart
- Under no circumstances should you use the washroom facilities while viewing the home
- Ensure social distancing (keeping 2 metres apart) is rigorously maintained throughout the showing. If required your realtor can walk each buyer through the property one at a time
- Notify your realtor if you become ill at any time after a showing
Covid-19 Guidelines for Nanaimo Real Estate Sellers
Before accepting a showing ensure that your Realtor has received a copy of the completed Royal LePage showing house disclosure declaration provided by the buyer's Realtor which captures information confirming that no one attending the showing has :
- Recently travelled anywhere outside of Canada or has been in contact with anyone who has travelled outside of Canada
- Had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days: fever, dry cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Refer to the Government of Canada's Covid-19 web page for additional information
- Knowingly come into contact with anyone experiencing the following symptoms in the last 14 days: fever, dry cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Come into contact with anyone with a presumptive or confirmed covid-19 diagnosis in the last 14 days
Showing confirmation will only be given once this declaration has been received from the buyers by your listing Realtor
- Understand the importance of following current direction from government and health authorities and the risks that come with allowing in-person showings and the measures that Realtors and their clients will take while viewing your home
- Restrict viewers to buyers who have an accepted conditional offer or an offer pending contingent on physical inspection only. Anyone other than the principles on the offer can do it virtually there are no exceptions
- Open all interior doors including closets and leave all lights on to minimize the need for viewers to touch surfaces in your home
- Have all occupants of the home be absent during the showing. If an occupant must be present, insist they practice social distancing measures
- Disinfect all exterior door handles and lock box with an alcohol-based sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol prior to the showing
- Thoroughly clean and disinfect the lockbox, all door knobs, surfaces, light switches and counters with antibacterial germ-killing cleaners after the showing
* Guidelines are subject to updates based on direction from Government & health authorities